Strona główna Radio Olsztyn
DZIŚ: 8 °C pogoda dziś
JUTRO: 7 °C pogoda jutro

God’s Purse

Jeff Taylor. Fot. Sławomir Ostrowski

I’m not a religious person, have my doubts about the whole mess and generally hang out on the Anti-Church team. However, a wife’s purse enabled me to understand how it is possible to comprehend God and his heavenly kingdom.

During a lesson with my morning advanced group, the students learnt the word „delve” (wykopać, wygłębiać) and then had a question about a woman delving into her pruse tto find something. The man „Jarek”(not his real name) wondered how women were able to find anything any that in „mess.” I agreed and added that I was even afraid of „delving” into my wife’s bag. Just too big. Beyond my comprehension how much there could be in that tiny space. Didn’t believe it.

Heaven is God’s purse. Just like my wife’s bag, I shouldn’t comprehend how, what, how much, etc. I just have to accept it. It’s big, there’s a lot of shit i.e. billions of souls/lots of make-up. Deal with it and love her or God or one and the same unconditionally.

There’s no point in questioning this matter. Why does God keep so much junk in heaven? Is it even possible? If you do so you’re fucked. There’s the classic comeback, „Why do I have to prove anything to you? Meet your expectations? Why you can’t you accept as I am?”

Then they ask you questions in return, „Have you been faithful to me? Have you been devoted as I asked?” Of course it’s not equal. You ask how it’s possible to fit so much shit in the purse and in return they demand that you are devoted and faithful for all eternity. However, in return for your devotion or undivided attention when she’s talking about her day at work, you have her unconditional love.

So in the end, it’s a heack of deal. Just realize that some things are beyond our comprehnsion. She’ll find whatever she needs in her handbag, there’s always room for you in heaven and love can last for eternity.




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