Do you like the White Stripes
Do you like the White Stripes but think they’re too hipster? Maybe you believe they have some great songs but it seems they’re ashamed of their rocking catchy songs? Half the songs on „Stand Behind Me Satan” were just filler? The last album kind of sucked exccept for the title song? Jack White was obsessed with that keyboardy-type instrument which contributed to ruining the album?
How about Black Sabbath? You finally listen to a whole Black Sabbath Album and realize that despite having some of the greatest riffs and heavy metal songs ever, most of the album is full of trippy jazzy filler. You start to think that Ozzy’s voice is annoying? You even form a radical opinion that they are „over-rated”?
And some other „great” groups like the MC5’s, fanous for „Kick Out the Jams” (Kick out the jams, motherfucker!), with maybe only one memorable song. The same goes for Danzig or the Sex Pistols. If there were one group that could mix all those elements. Elements of the White Stripes and Black Sabbath, but with a solid album of great raw songs.
The band you wish for is called The Stubs, my favourite Polish band. Don’t take my word for it. Somebody else wrote, „Ktoś, gdzieś tak ładnie napisał: „Pomyśl o Motorhead skrzyżowanym z The Hives, a otrzymasz The Stubs”. The band comes from Warsaw but they don’t sound like it. I don’t want to talk bad about Polish bands but usually most sound „Polish”. However, usually people who listen to the Stubs for the first time assume that they are from the States. „They’re Polish?! They don’t sound like it.” In fact, they sound awesome!
Their second album „Second Suicide doesn’t have one bad song on it, hands down the best album of 2012.If you don’t believe me then you can find out for yourself by downloading it for free from their website: My personal favoruite from the album is „Love Her (While She’s Gone) with a bit of organ to colour the music a bit. Crunchy guitar riffs played along with bass and drums that lock into a groove. Usually I only listen to a cd once in the car before changing, but the Stubs I can listen to non-stop.
So if you’re tired of bands that fail to rock with pride, fall short of your expectations and just suck, the Stubs are the band for you. Happy listening.