Strona główna Radio Olsztyn
DZIŚ: 0 °C pogoda dziś
JUTRO: 2 °C pogoda jutro

Keep it stupid and somebody will surely like it.

Jeff Taylor. Fot. Sławomir Ostrowski

As I sit wth a cup of a coffe in a cafe looking out the window, dozens of beautiful women walk by. And people ask why I live in Poland.

Listen to Jeff Taylor

00:00 / 00:00

I wish I could occupy my time by considering the beauty of Polish women. What is the origin/source/spring of these long-legged graceful females? Who was the first? What was her name? How many men fought over her?

However, such thoughts don’t come easily to me. Instead, the Polish word „pineska” sounds similar to „Penis.” So today I provide a list of Polish cities’ and people’s names accompanied by an English word or phrase that it sounds like. Stupid stuff.

Szczytno – Shit-nose or Shithole

Bartoszycze – Bart’s Shit

Ostrołęka – Ultra wanker

Olsztyn – All shit or Oh shit!

Kraplak – Craps a lot

Szyc – Shits

Morąg – More Wrong

Mrągowo – More Wrong-o

PiS – Piss

PO – Pissed Off

Donald Tusk – Donald Duck

Olsztynek – All Stink

Finally, I don’t have to say what the word „foka” (seal) sounds like…you mother foka.

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