Strona główna Radio Olsztyn
DZIŚ: 4 °C pogoda dziś
JUTRO: 4 °C pogoda jutro

Don’t do what is difficult, do what you’re good at

Jeff Taylor. Fot. Sławomir Ostrowski

I imagine hell as Galeria Bałtycka. In a dictionary, the definition of “hellhole” gives Galeria Bałtycka as an example. In my previous blog entry I presented a low opinion of Gdanskians (douches) and Galeria Bałtycka is packed with them. All these douchey demons wandering mindlessly buying shit they don’t need. However they look so pleased that they can enjoy their free day walking around a stupid mall filled with other douche demons.

I wish I had lived in Poland during communist times. No shopping trips to another city. The “I” word was never used – IKEA. Were all those solidarity activists such as Lech Wałęsa just being hassled by their wives to change the system because there was nowhere to shop?

And what music is played in hell? RMF FM. And they’ll be playing a lot of The Corrs, that super lame group from Ireland with the hot sisters. They’re famous for ….the hot sisters as well as maybe pleasant songs that are pretty forgettable but linger in your brain.

Jeff Taylor

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