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Last week I babbled bull sh** about some American bands and singers

fot. Sławomir Ostrowski

Last week I babbled bull sh** about some American bands and singers who although hugely popular back home have failed to do so Europe. The prime example was Bob Seger. I now claim this to be B.S. since the band I would like to present is not American but in fact British, Foghat. This band just sounds American. One of the most American sounding bands, after Lynrd Skynrd, is Foghat. Most of their American fans would be shocked to learn that they are not Yankees and maybe would like them a little bit less.

I’m not saying that Foghat is popular in America. Many Americans have probably not heard the band. Even if people know the name Foghat, they couldn’t name one of their songs. Vice versa, if somebody heard one of their songs on the radio, they wouldn’t name the band. So, why am I devoting a whole blog entree to this damn band? They’re played all the time on classic rock radio back in the US plus they’re unheard of here in Poland equals to a lot of their songs are awesome and you must check them out!

Foghat at their peak played a blues/boogie rock with great guitar leads and a thumping bass. So once you hear them you’ll forgive for thinking that they were American.

Don’t they sound as if they come from the South? That song is „I Just Want to Make Love to You”, cover of Willie Dixon’s song. Who’s he? He was a contemporary of Muddy Waters and wrote many blues hits associated with Mr. Waters or John Lee Hooker.

Let’s get back to Foghat. Why should you check out this band? If your knowledge of rock music is limited to what you hear on the radio, then you regularly listen to only maybe ten bands and on top of that not their best songs. There are other bands besides the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Guns-n-Roses, Metallica, U2, Greenday, Bruce Springsteen or Bryan Adams. If somebody only listens to the radio for their rock music consumption, then they are aware of Rod Stewart. However, I’ll be damned if I’ve heard one of his rocks songs on the radio in the past ten years. On top of that Depeche Mode isn’t rock-n-roll. So that people don’t get bored with rock-n-roll and think there is no new good music out ther, I urge you to listen to Foghat. I’ll leave with a couple more great songs.
Slow Ride

Fool for the City

Honey Hush

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