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I consider myself a heavy metal fan

I consider myself a heavy metal fan but I seldom hear any new metal bands that I like. Excluding the obvious Metallica, Ozzy, Black Sabbath (over-rated though), Iron Maiden, Guns-n-Roses and Motley Crue, I also include on the list of my favorutie metal bands – Anthrax, Accept, Tesla, L.A. Guns, Ratt, Dio, Cinderella, Judas Priest and in recently I’ve added Slipknot. And that’s it. I’m a metal head but like hardly any metal bands. Except for one band from Olsztyn.

So here’s the purpose of today’s blog entry. A couple weeks ago I had started writing about my favourite Polish rock band and instead ended up listing the other Polish bands on my list (fortunately it’s a short list). First there was Dżem (great show, haven’t listened to them in years) and Illusion (singer’s voice annoying and crap recording production). Today I will praise Olsztyn’s thrash/hard-core geniuses Monolit.

I first approached them sceptically. Most thrash heavy metal singers either sound like Cookie Monster or scream with no sense of rhythm. All the hard-core and new metal bands refuse to rock throughout an entire song. A song begins with an awesome killer riff and when you think you’re on your way to heavy metal orgasm, the band stops rocking and the singer starts ranting/rapping over some lame bass line.

Monolit however rips and shreads non-stop. The singer, who is unfortunately no longer in the band, does a bit of screaming but in such a way that it drills into your ear and never leaves. Imagine if the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings sang in a heavy metal band. When Monolit hit that metallic groove in concert, they were the baddest („bad” meaning „f***ing incredible”) band in the land. I had seen Metallica on the Justice for All tour, and Monolit was as good. I hope to see Monolit in concert again and finally buy a Monolit record, because at the moment there is no new metal band to like.

However, due to the inactivity of Monolit I can place another band on the top of the list of my favourite Polish bands. A band that released the best album of 2012. A band from Łódż. More next time.


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