Strona główna Radio Olsztyn
DZIŚ: 13 °C pogoda dziś
JUTRO: 14 °C pogoda jutro

If Illusion had been an American band

Jeff Taylor, fot. Sławomir Ostrowski

If Illusion had been an American band, they would have been huge. Big crunchy grungey riffs. Great singer. Last week I had intended to write abut my favourite Polish band and instead I started first describing the other Polish bands that I like. The first band was Dżem and this week the subject of Strefa Jeffa is Illusion – Poland’s answer for grunge music.

I first saw Illusion play in the old WSP building on Pilsudskiego St in 1994(?), when they were on tour in support of the first self-titled album. Their show was part of an early attempt at a modern music/culture event in Olsztyn maybe called the „Spaghetti Festival.” Besides the Illusion concert, I think there were a presentation of Native American Indians and a disco/dance of rock music popular at the time. Radio Olsztyn was supposed to broadcast the music for the event but of course didn’t have any cool music, so I had to bring some cassettes such as Rage Against the Machine.

Anyway, the next night Illusion played a great show. As I mentioned at the beginning, they would have been huge in America. The members had stage presence.  The songs were full of catchy but heavy riffs. And the singer Tomek Lipiński had a great voice. The following year, I witnessed a repeat performance of Illusion on their tour for their second album. They and their opening act Flapjack played at the old „u Romana” in Korotowo beneath the stołówka. Another awesome show. Between the band and theaudience there was a metre-high brick wall which got destroyed during the show. You know a concert kicks ass if wall gets destroyed.

If I had arrived earlier to see all of Flapjack’s set, maybe I would be writing about them now. They were combining the grunge sound with a bit of rapping a la Rage Against the Machine along with a sax player. Unfortuantely their follow-up record was more standard hard-core scream fest. Then I saw them play Juwenalia in 1997 or 98(?)when WSP was on its dying legs. Their juwenalia took place the same weekend as Kortowiada when Kult/Kazik na Żywo was the star performer. Of course the WSP concert hardly had any audience – just friends of the band or people who just felt sorry for the band who weren’t good enough for Kortowiada. I seem to recall the lucky losers who were the Firebirds, Flapjack and Vader (I think).

Anyway, in order to list my top ten favourite Illusion songs, I’ve just listened to all the songs from their first two record. And you know, after a long break, I’m hearing the songs with fresh ears. I don’t want to say that the songs suck, but I’m kind of wondering why I devoted so much time to praising  this band. The production on the first album is crap. I’m so tired of rock singers with their growly voice (sing you lazy losers!) However, if you want to still check out the better songs by Illusion, here is a list of my suggestions. I coldn’t find ten good songs and settled for eight. Maybe you’ll like them, maybe not. I don’t care. See you next time.

1)                 Nóż – from the seond album, better production

2)                 Kły – first song from first album

3)                 Na Luzie – third song, first album

4)                 Ruszy Las – fifth song, first album

5)                 Illusion – eighth song, even though it’s a slow song

6)                 Tylko – slow song from second album

7)                 Tło – faster song from second album

8)                 Big Black Hole – second album

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